What is Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas?

Prasoon Adiyody

Tulsidas Ramayana and Valmiki Ramayana


Ramcharitmanas, composed by Tulsidas, is a revered Hindu epic that narrates the life and virtues of Lord Rama. This sacred text, written in the Awadhi language, holds a special place in Indian culture, influencing spiritual practices and traditions for centuries.

Tulsidas’ masterpiece transcends mere storytelling, offering profound lessons in righteousness and devotion. The epic continues to inspire millions, fostering a deep connection with Lord Rama through its poetic verses and timeless wisdom.

The Life of Tulsidas: The Saint Behind Ramcharitmanas Composed by Tulsidas

What is Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas

Early Life and Inspirations of Tulsidas

Tulsidas, the saint behind Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas, was born in the 16th century. His early life was marked by profound devotion to Lord Rama, inspired by the legends he heard as a child. Tulsidas’ unwavering faith in Rama was evident from a young age, shaping his spiritual journey.

Tulsidas’ birth and childhood were filled with tales of Rama’s valor and virtue. These stories ignited a deep-seated devotion in his heart, guiding him towards a path of spirituality. His love for Rama only grew stronger with time, influencing his later works.

The influences that led to Tulsidas’ devotion to Lord Rama were multifaceted. From local folklore to the teachings of his spiritual mentors, every aspect of his upbringing contributed to his lifelong dedication to composing Ramcharitmanas.

Spiritual Journey of Tulsidas

Tulsidas’ spiritual journey is a testament to his unwavering faith. He embarked on numerous pilgrimages, seeking divine inspiration for Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas. His travels to sacred sites like Ayodhya and Chitrakoot enriched his spiritual understanding, deepening his connection with Lord Rama.

Tulsidas’ pilgrimage and spiritual awakening were pivotal in his life. These journeys not only strengthened his devotion but also provided the divine insight needed to create Ramcharitmanas. The sacred places he visited became sources of inspiration for his epic work.

His mission to bring the story of Rama to the common people was driven by his deep empathy for their spiritual needs. Tulsidas aimed to make the teachings of Ramayana accessible to everyone, transcending social and linguistic barriers through his work.

The Composition of Ramcharitmanas Composed by Tulsidas

Language and Style of Ramcharitmanas

Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas is notable for its use of the Awadhi language. Tulsidas chose Awadhi to ensure the epic was accessible to the masses, reflecting his commitment to inclusivity. The poetic style and structure of Ramcharitmanas make it both a literary masterpiece and a spiritual guide.

The use of Awadhi language in Ramcharitmanas is a testament to Tulsidas’ dedication to reaching a broad audience. By using a vernacular language, he ensured that the teachings of Lord Rama could be understood and appreciated by people from all walks of life.

The poetic style and structure of Ramcharitmanas are meticulously crafted. Tulsidas employed various meters and poetic devices to convey the epic’s themes, making it a captivating read while imparting profound spiritual lessons.

Content and Themes of Ramcharitmanas

Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas covers major themes and narratives from the Ramayana. The epic delves into the life of Lord Rama, his virtues, and his journey from Ayodhya to Lanka. It also highlights the importance of Dharma, devotion, and the triumph of good over evil.

Major themes and narratives covered in Ramcharitmanas include the valor of Lord Rama, the devotion of his followers, and the ultimate victory of righteousness. These themes resonate deeply with readers, offering timeless lessons on virtue and morality.

The portrayal of Lord Rama and other central characters in Ramcharitmanas is detailed and nuanced. Tulsidas brings these characters to life, highlighting their virtues and struggles, making the epic relatable and inspiring for devotees.

The Impact of Ramcharitmanas Composed by Tulsidas on Devotees and Society

What is Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas

Spiritual Influence of Ramcharitmanas

Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas has a profound spiritual influence on its readers. The epic deepens devotion to Lord Rama, offering insights into his divine qualities and teachings. Many devotees find solace and inspiration in the verses of Ramcharitmanas.

How Ramcharitmanas deepens devotion to Lord Rama is evident in the countless devotees who turn to its verses for guidance. The epic’s portrayal of Rama’s virtues and his unwavering adherence to Dharma serves as a spiritual guide for many.

Stories of transformation among devotees are common, as Ramcharitmanas inspires profound changes in their lives. The epic’s teachings encourage devotees to lead virtuous lives, fostering a deeper connection with Lord Rama.

Cultural and Social Contributions of Ramcharitmanas

Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas has made significant cultural and social contributions. It has influenced Indian culture, art, and traditions, becoming an integral part of various festivals and rituals. The epic’s teachings promote moral values and social harmony.

Ramcharitmanas’ role in Indian culture is immense, influencing various art forms such as music, dance, and theater. Its verses are recited during festivals like Ram Navami and Diwali, highlighting its cultural significance.

The influence of Ramcharitmanas on art, music, and festivals is profound. The epic’s stories and teachings are celebrated in various cultural expressions, enriching India’s artistic heritage and fostering a sense of community among devotees.

Key Teachings and Lessons from Ramcharitmanas Composed by Tulsidas

What is Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas

Moral and Ethical Teachings in Ramcharitmanas

Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas offers valuable moral and ethical teachings. The epic emphasizes righteousness (Dharma), encouraging readers to lead virtuous lives. It also highlights the importance of duty, loyalty, and the triumph of good over evil.

Lessons on righteousness and duty (Dharma) are central to Ramcharitmanas. The epic illustrates the importance of adhering to moral principles, even in the face of adversity, through the actions and decisions of its characters.

Examples of ideal behavior as depicted in Ramcharitmanas serve as moral guides for readers. The virtues of Lord Rama, his unwavering commitment to Dharma, and the loyalty of his followers provide timeless lessons on ethical conduct.

Spiritual Insights from Ramcharitmanas

Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas offers profound spiritual insights. The epic guides devotees on the path of devotion (Bhakti), emphasizing the importance of a personal relationship with the divine. It also offers wisdom on the nature of God and the devotee.

The path to devotion (Bhakti) through the teachings of Tulsidas is a key theme in Ramcharitmanas. The epic encourages readers to cultivate a deep and personal connection with Lord Rama, fostering spiritual growth and fulfillment.

Insights on the relationship between God and devotee are richly illustrated in Ramcharitmanas. The epic portrays this relationship as one of love, trust, and unwavering faith, offering readers a model for their spiritual journey.

Modern Relevance of Ramcharitmanas

Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas remains relevant in contemporary times. Its teachings continue to inspire modern devotees, offering guidance on leading virtuous lives and fostering spiritual growth. The epic’s timeless wisdom transcends generations.

The continued relevance of Ramcharitmanas in contemporary times is evident in its widespread popularity. Devotees of all ages turn to the epic for spiritual guidance, finding its teachings as meaningful today as they were centuries ago.

How modern devotees connect with Ramcharitmanas varies, with many using digital platforms to access the epic. Online communities, audio recordings, and virtual recitations have made it easier for people to engage with Tulsidas‘ timeless work.

Other Works of Tulsidas: Beyond Ramcharitmanas

The Hanuman Chalisa and Its Significance

Tulsidas, besides composing Ramcharitmanas, also wrote the Hanuman Chalisa. This devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman is immensely popular among devotees. The Hanuman Chalisa praises Hanuman’s strength, devotion, and service to Lord Rama.

The significance of Hanuman Chalisa lies in its devotional power. Reciting its verses is believed to bring strength, protection, and spiritual blessings. Many devotees recite the Hanuman Chalisa daily, finding solace and courage in its words.

The impact of Hanuman Chalisa on devotees is profound. It is said to provide mental peace, remove obstacles, and bestow divine grace. This hymn, like Ramcharitmanas, has transcended generations, continuing to inspire and uplift the faithful.

Other Notable Works of Tulsidas

Tulsidas’ literary contributions extend beyond Ramcharitmanas and Hanuman Chalisa. He composed various other hymns, poems, and devotional songs that reflect his deep spirituality and devotion to Lord Rama.

Among his notable works are Vinaya Patrika and Kavitavali. Vinaya Patrika is a collection of hymns expressing Tulsidas’ devotion and humility before the divine. Kavit

avali is a poetic work that highlights the virtues of Lord Rama and his teachings.

The breadth of Tulsidas’ writings showcases his literary genius and spiritual depth. His works continue to be revered, studied, and recited by devotees, making him one of the most influential figures in Hindu devotional literature.

Tulsidas’ Enduring Legacy

Influence on Modern Hinduism

The influence of Tulsidas on modern Hinduism is profound. His works, especially Ramcharitmanas, have shaped the religious and cultural landscape of India. Tulsidas’ teachings continue to inspire millions, fostering a deep connection with Lord Rama.

Tulsidas’ legacy in Hinduism is evident in the way his works are revered and recited. The principles he espoused through his writings continue to guide devotees in their spiritual journeys, emphasizing devotion, righteousness, and compassion.

The continued relevance of Tulsidas’ teachings is a testament to their timeless wisdom. His emphasis on devotion (Bhakti) and righteousness (Dharma) resonates with modern devotees, offering guidance in navigating life’s challenges.


Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas remains a cornerstone of Hindu spirituality and culture. Its teachings on righteousness, devotion, and the divine continue to inspire devotees around the world. Exploring Ramcharitmanas offers profound insights into the timeless wisdom of Lord Rama and the devotion of Tulsidas. The enduring legacy of Tulsidas, through his various works, continues to shape and enrich the spiritual lives of countless devotees globally.


  • What is Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas?
    • Ramcharitmanas, composed by Tulsidas, is a revered Hindu epic that narrates the story of Lord Rama in the Awadhi language.
  • Why did Tulsidas compose Ramcharitmanas in Awadhi?
    • Tulsidas composed Ramcharitmanas in Awadhi to make the story of Lord Rama accessible to the common people, as Awadhi was the vernacular language of the region.
  • What are the major themes and narratives in Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas?
    • The major themes include the life and virtues of Lord Rama, the importance of Dharma (righteousness), devotion (Bhakti), and the triumph of good over evil.
  • How has Ramcharitmanas influenced Indian culture and traditions?
    • Ramcharitmanas has deeply influenced Indian culture, inspiring various art forms, music, dance, and festivals such as Ram Navami and Diwali.
  • What spiritual teachings can be found in Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas?
    • Ramcharitmanas offers teachings on righteousness, devotion, the relationship between God and devotee, and the virtues of leading a moral life.
  • What is the significance of Tulsidas’ spiritual journey in the composition of Ramcharitmanas?
    • Tulsidas’ spiritual journey, including his pilgrimages and divine inspirations, played a crucial role in the composition of Ramcharitmanas, enriching its spiritual depth.
  • What are some moral lessons taught in Ramcharitmanas composed by Tulsidas?
    • The epic teaches lessons on the importance of duty (Dharma), loyalty, the virtues of Lord Rama, and the ethical conduct expected of individuals.