What inspired Tulsidas to write Hanuman Chalisa?

Prasoon Adiyody

what inspired tulsidas to write Hanuman Chalisa

What Inspired Tulsidas to Write Hanuman Chalisa?

Tulsidas, a revered Hindu poet and saint, composed the Hanuman Chalisa, a hymn praising Lord Hanuman’s virtues and strength. The Hanuman Chalisa remains a cornerstone of devotion, recited by millions worldwide. Let’s explore what inspired Tulsidas to write Hanuman Chalisa and delve into his profound journey of devotion and spirituality.

what inspired tulsidas to write Hanuman Chalisa

The Life of Tulsidas: A Devotee’s Journey

Tulsidas’ journey as a devotee significantly shaped his compositions, including the Hanuman Chalisa. His life, marked by devotion and spiritual experiences, provides insight into his inspirations.

Early Life and Spiritual Inclinations

Tulsidas’ early life and spiritual inclinations played a pivotal role in his devotion. Born in 1532 in the town of Rajapur, Tulsidas was immersed in a religious environment from a young age. His parents, Hulsi and Atmaram Dubey, were devout Brahmins, and they instilled in him a strong sense of spirituality.

From his early years, Tulsidas exhibited a deep love for religious practices. He was particularly drawn to the stories of Lord Rama and Hanuman, which were recited by his parents and community members. These tales of devotion and righteousness laid the foundation for Tulsidas’ spiritual path.

As Tulsidas grew older, his devotion continued to deepen. He spent much of his time studying religious texts and participating in devotional activities. This early immersion in spirituality set the stage for his later compositions, including the Hanuman Chalisa.

Encounters with Spiritual Mentors

Tulsidas’ encounters with spiritual mentors enriched his devotional journey. These mentors imparted wisdom and teachings that shaped his understanding of devotion and righteousness. One significant mentor in Tulsidas’ life was Narharidas, a saint who played a pivotal role in his spiritual development.

Narharidas introduced Tulsidas to the Ramayana, the epic narrative of Lord Rama’s life. This introduction deepened Tulsidas’ reverence for Rama and Hanuman, further inspiring his writings. Under Narharidas’ guidance, Tulsidas developed a profound understanding of the principles of Bhakti (devotion) and Dharma (righteousness).

The teachings and guidance from his mentors provided Tulsidas with the spiritual foundation necessary for composing works like the Hanuman Chalisa. These mentors helped him navigate his spiritual journey, emphasizing the importance of unwavering devotion and the virtues exemplified by Lord Rama and Hanuman.

The Devotion to Lord Hanuman

Tulsidas’ unwavering devotion to Lord Hanuman is a central theme in his life and writings. His experiences and stories of Hanuman deeply influenced him, leading to the creation of the Hanuman Chalisa.

Hanuman’s Role in Tulsidas’ Life

Hanuman played a significant role in Tulsidas’ spiritual journey. Tulsidas believed Hanuman to be the epitome of devotion and strength, qualities he revered and aspired to embody. Hanuman’s unwavering loyalty to Lord Rama and his immense strength were sources of inspiration for Tulsidas.

Tulsidas’ personal experiences and visions of Hanuman further solidified this devotion. According to legend, Tulsidas had several divine encounters with Hanuman, which reinforced his belief in Hanuman’s divine presence and power. These experiences convinced Tulsidas of Hanuman’s importance in his spiritual journey and motivated him to honor Hanuman through his writings.

This deep connection with Hanuman inspired Tulsidas to compose the Hanuman Chalisa, a hymn celebrating Hanuman’s virtues and unwavering devotion to Lord Rama. Tulsidas believed that by venerating Hanuman, devotees could cultivate similar qualities of strength, courage, and devotion in their own lives.

Stories of Hanuman’s Devotion and Strength

Stories of Hanuman’s devotion and strength were a major source of inspiration for Tulsidas. These tales showcased Hanuman’s loyalty, courage, and unwavering support for Lord Rama. One such story is Hanuman’s journey to Lanka to find Sita, a tale of bravery and devotion that resonated deeply with Tulsidas.

In this story, Hanuman undertakes a perilous journey to Lanka to locate Sita, who had been abducted by the demon king Ravana. Despite numerous challenges, Hanuman remains steadfast in his mission, driven by his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama. His courage, strength, and determination in the face of adversity exemplify the qualities Tulsidas admired and sought to celebrate in the Hanuman Chalisa.

These inspiring stories underscored the virtues Tulsidas admired in Hanuman, prompting him to celebrate these qualities through the Hanuman Chalisa. By highlighting Hanuman’s devotion and strength, Tulsidas aimed to inspire devotees to embody these virtues in their own lives.

The Inspiration Behind Hanuman Chalisa

Tulsidas’ inspiration for writing the Hanuman Chalisa stemmed from divine experiences and a deep desire to honor Hanuman’s virtues. This section explores the specific events and motivations behind this composition.

Divine Inspiration and Vision

Tulsidas received divine inspiration and visions that led him to write the Hanuman Chalisa. These spiritual experiences reaffirmed his faith and devotion to Hanuman. According to legend, Tulsidas had a vision of Hanuman during a time of personal crisis. This vision provided him with the clarity and motivation to compose the Hanuman Chalisa.

In this vision, Hanuman appeared before Tulsidas and blessed him with divine wisdom. Hanuman’s presence filled Tulsidas with a profound sense of peace and inspiration, prompting him to pen the Hanuman Chalisa as a hymn of devotion and praise. This divine encounter was pivotal in shaping Tulsidas’ resolve to create a hymn that would honor Hanuman and inspire devotion among others.

Such divine encounters were not uncommon in Tulsidas’ life. Throughout his spiritual journey, Tulsidas experienced several moments of divine inspiration that guided his writings and deepened his devotion. These experiences reinforced his belief in the power of devotion and the importance of honoring Hanuman’s virtues.

Purpose and Message of Hanuman Chalisa

The purpose and message of the Hanuman Chalisa reflect Tulsidas’ devotion and spiritual insights. He aimed to create a hymn that would encapsulate Hanuman’s virtues and inspire devotion among followers. The Hanuman Chalisa emphasizes qualities like strength, courage, and unwavering faith, urging devotees to embody these virtues in their own lives.

The Hanuman Chalisa serves as both a devotional hymn and a spiritual guide. Its verses are designed to inspire and uplift devotees, providing them with a means to connect with Hanuman and draw strength from his exemplary life. Tulsidas believed that by reciting the Hanuman Chalisa, devotees could invoke Hanuman’s divine blessings and protection.

Through the Chalisa, Tulsidas sought to provide a means for devotees to connect with Hanuman and draw inspiration from his exemplary life and devotion. The hymn’s message of unwavering faith, courage, and strength resonates with devotees, offering guidance and inspiration in their spiritual journeys.

what inspired tulsidas to write Hanuman Chalisa

The Legend of Tulsidas and Akbar

Among the many legends associated with Tulsidas, the story of his imprisonment by Mughal Emperor Akbar and the subsequent writing of the Hanuman Chalisa stands out. This tale, while debated in its historical accuracy, highlights Tulsidas’ unwavering faith and the miraculous power of devotion.

Tulsidas and Emperor Akbar

According to legend, Tulsidas’ fame as a saint and poet reached the ears of Emperor Akbar. Curious about Tulsidas’ reputed spiritual powers, Akbar summoned him to his court. When Tulsidas refused to perform miracles on command, stating that his only miracle was his devotion to Lord Rama and Hanuman, Akbar, displeased by the refusal, had Tulsidas imprisoned.

The Composition of Hanuman Chalisa

While in prison, Tulsidas turned to his unwavering faith in Hanuman for solace and support. It is during this time of confinement that he is believed to have composed the Hanuman Chalisa. With each verse, Tulsidas invoked the divine presence and protection of Hanuman, expressing his deep devotion and seeking deliverance from his plight.

The Miracle of the Monkeys

As the legend goes, upon completing the Hanuman Chalisa, a miraculous event occurred. An army of monkeys descended upon Akbar’s palace, creating chaos and destruction. This unexpected turn of events was interpreted as a divine intervention by Hanuman, responding to Tulsidas’ devotion. The terrified Akbar, recognizing the power of Tulsidas’ faith, ordered his release from prison.

This story, whether fact or folklore, underscores the transformative power of devotion and the miraculous potential believed to reside in the Hanuman Chalisa. It has contributed to the hymn’s enduring popularity and the reverence with which it is recited by millions of devotees.

The Composition Process

The process of composing the Hanuman Chalisa involved careful consideration of language, style, and spiritual experiences. This section delves into the specifics of how Tulsidas created this enduring hymn.

Writing in Awadhi Language

Tulsidas chose to write the Hanuman Chalisa in the Awadhi language to make it accessible to a broad audience. This decision reflects his intent to reach and inspire common people. Awadhi, being a widely spoken vernacular, ensured that the Chalisa could be easily understood and recited by devotees from different backgrounds.

The use of simple yet poetic language in the Hanuman Chalisa made it memorable and easy to chant, contributing to its widespread popularity and enduring legacy. The rhythmic and melodic nature of the verses further enhanced its appeal, making it a beloved hymn among devotees.

Tulsidas’ choice of language and style was a deliberate effort to ensure that the teachings and virtues of Hanuman could reach as many people as possible. By making the Chalisa accessible and relatable, Tulsidas succeeded in creating a hymn that has stood the test of time and continues to inspire millions of devotees.

Challenges and Spiritual Experiences

Tulsidas faced several challenges during the composition of the Hanuman Chalisa. These challenges, however, were met with profound spiritual experiences that enriched the writing process. Despite facing societal and personal obstacles, Tulsidas remained steadfast in his devotion. His spiritual encounters provided the strength and inspiration needed to overcome these challenges.

One significant challenge was the societal resistance to his devotion. During Tulsidas’ time, there were numerous obstacles and oppositions to his spiritual practices. However, his unwavering faith and divine experiences provided the resilience needed to persevere. Tulsidas believed that his devotion to Hanuman and the divine blessings he received would guide him through any difficulties.

These experiences not only shaped the content of the Hanuman Chalisa but also deepened Tulsidas’ connection with Hanuman, imbuing the hymn with profound spiritual energy. The challenges he faced and the spiritual revelations he received during this period enriched the composition, making it a powerful tool for devotion and spiritual upliftment.

Impact and Legacy of Hanuman Chalisa

The Hanuman Chalisa’s impact and legacy are immense, influencing Hindu devotion and spiritual practices for centuries. This section explores how the Chalisa was received and its lasting influence.

Immediate Reception Among Devotees

The immediate reception of the Hanuman Chalisa among devotees was overwhelmingly positive. Its simple yet powerful verses resonated deeply, making it a popular hymn for daily recitation. Devotees found solace and inspiration in the Chalisa, incorporating it into their daily spiritual practices. The hymn’s accessibility contributed to its widespread acceptance and popularity.

The Hanuman Chalisa quickly became a staple in Hindu devotional practices. Its verses, celebrating Hanuman’s virtues and devotion, struck a chord with devotees, who found in it a source of spiritual strength and guidance. The hymn’s popularity grew rapidly, spreading across regions and communities

.The Hanuman Chalisa’s initial popularity laid the foundation for its enduring legacy, becoming a staple in Hindu devotional practices across generations. The hymn’s widespread acceptance and the profound impact it had on devotees’ lives underscore its significance in Hindu spirituality.

Lasting Influence on Hindu Devotion

The lasting influence of the Hanuman Chalisa on Hindu devotion is profound. Its teachings and verses continue to inspire and guide devotees in their spiritual journeys. The Chalisa has become an integral part of various Hindu rituals and festivals, underscoring its importance in devotional practices. Its verses are recited for protection, strength, and divine blessings.

The enduring legacy of the Hanuman Chalisa is a testament to Tulsidas’ spiritual insight and devotion. The hymn continues to be a source of inspiration for millions of devotees worldwide, who recite it for guidance, protection, and spiritual upliftment. The Hanuman Chalisa’s impact on Hindu devotion and its role in shaping spiritual practices highlight its significance in the religious landscape.

The lasting influence of the Hanuman Chalisa is also evident in its continued relevance in modern times. Despite the passage of centuries, the hymn remains a beloved and revered devotional text, reflecting its timeless appeal and spiritual depth.

Tulsidas’ Other Works: Beyond Hanuman Chalisa

In addition to the Hanuman Chalisa, Tulsidas composed several other significant works that reflect his deep spirituality and devotion to Lord Rama. These works further showcase his literary genius and spiritual insight.

The Ramcharitmanas

The Ramcharitmanas is one of Tulsidas’ most renowned works. This epic poem, composed in the Awadhi language, narrates the life and adventures of Lord Rama. The Ramcharitmanas is a retelling of the Ramayana, the ancient Sanskrit epic, but with a distinct devotional and poetic style.

The significance of the Ramcharitmanas lies in its ability to make the story of Lord Rama accessible to a wider audience. Tulsidas’ use of the vernacular language allowed common people to connect with the epic’s teachings and virtues. The Ramcharitmanas is considered one of the greatest works of Hindi literature and continues to be recited and revered by devotees.

The impact of the Ramcharitmanas on Hindu devotion is immense. Its verses are recited during religious ceremonies, festivals, and daily devotional practices. The work has inspired countless adaptations, performances, and interpretations, further solidifying its place in Hindu culture and spirituality.

Vinaya Patrika and Kavitavali

Tulsidas‘ literary contributions extend beyond the Hanuman Chalisa and the Ramcharitmanas. Among his notable works are the Vinaya Patrika and the Kavitavali. These works reflect Tulsidas’ deep devotion and literary prowess.

Vinaya Patrika is a collection of hymns expressing Tulsidas’ devotion and humility before the divine. The hymns in this collection are characterized by their heartfelt expressions of surrender and devotion. The Vinaya Patrika offers insights into Tulsidas’ spiritual journey and his unwavering faith in Lord Rama and Hanuman.

Kavitavali, on the other hand, is a poetic work that highlights the virtues of Lord Rama and his teachings. The verses in Kavitavali are marked by their lyrical beauty and spiritual depth. This work further showcases Tulsidas’ literary genius and his ability to convey profound spiritual truths through poetry.

The Hanuman Chalisa and Its Significance

The Hanuman Chalisa is one of Tulsidas’ most renowned works. This devotional hymn, dedicated to Lord Hanuman, extols his virtues, strength, and unwavering devotion to Lord Rama. The significance of the Hanuman Chalisa lies in its ability to inspire and uplift devotees. Its verses are believed to bring protection, strength, and spiritual blessings.

The impact of the Hanuman Chalisa on devotees is immense, with many reciting it daily for spiritual guidance and divine protection. The hymn’s simplicity and profound spiritual message make it accessible to a wide audience, further contributing to its enduring popularity.

Tulsidas’ choice to write the Hanuman Chalisa in the Awadhi language ensured that its teachings could reach a broad audience. This decision reflects his intent to inspire devotion among common people, making the hymn a beloved and revered part of Hindu devotional practices.


Tulsidas’ inspiration to write the Hanuman Chalisa stems from his profound devotion and spiritual experiences. His life, marked by unwavering faith and divine encounters, shaped his compositions, including the Hanuman Chalisa. This enduring hymn continues to inspire and guide devotees, reflecting the timeless virtues of Lord Hanuman. Exploring Tulsidas’ journey and the creation of the Hanuman Chalisa offers profound insights into the depths of devotion and spirituality.